My pup Wally and I recently got our paws and hands on the brand new Mighty Paw sport Harness 2.0! Controllalo qui.
While we only have praise for it, we’re a little biased since That Mutt and Mighty Paw are partners.
Why we recommend using a dog harness in general:
Dog harnesses are so much more than just good looking accessories! They’re terrific for:
Keeping dogs safe in the car
A variety of sports such as tracking, running, biking, rollerblading, swimming, skijoring and sledding
Helping teach a dog polite leash walking skills using the no-pull chest leash attachment
Walking dogs who have injured their necks and can’t be walked on collars
Key features of the Mighty Paw sport Harness 2.0
The Mighty Paw sport Harness 2.0 can be used for everything just mentioned, and stands out with the following features:
Weather-proof material & hardware
Dual leash attachments – comes with a no-pull front leash attachment and a regular attachment on the back for more freedom
Easy grip padded handle on the back
Adjustable straps at the neck and chest
Fully padded neoprene lining throughout the chest and back for ultimate comfort and no chafing
Quick release buckles around the neck
High visibility reflective stitching
Two color choices (green & black)
Four sizes (S, M, L, XL)
Retails for $22.99 on
You can get the harness for 20% off this week only with code: TMHARNESS
Measuring Wally’s chest and neck for the correct size harness
One of the first things I did was measure Wally’s chest and neck since Lindsay recommended that’s what we do to find the right size harness.
Mighty Paw specifies the following measurements for their different harness sizes:
Small: Neck 13-17″, chest 17-21″
Medium: Neck 16.5-23”, chest 21-26.5″
Large: Neck 19-27″ chest 25-32″
X-Large: Neck 22-35″, chest 27-35″
Wally measures 16.5″ around his neck and 23″ around his chest. I ordered the green medium sized harness for him.
My dog is kind of an in-between sized guy in general as far as doggie gear goes. Although he weighs 40 lb and is considered medium sized, the head collar that fits him best is a size small, and so is his backpack.
Mighty Paw sport Harness 2.0 in the car
Once our Mighty Paw package came in the mail and I had opened it, I right away put it on Wally to adjust the different straps to fit his body. I didn’t have to do too much adjusting on the chest straps, but the neck straps definitely needed some tightening.
Wally was excited when he saw me hold the harness because he knows that his harness only comes out whenever we get ready to go for a automobile ride in combination with a walk or hike, and he loves both! I had to wait a moment for him to stop being a wiggly puppy before being able to put the harness onto him.
Once he calmed down, Wally let me put the harness on without any problems, and I honestly didn’t anticipate any since he’s so used to wearing a harness.
I have to stress the fact that the harness has a side release buckle on the right that lets you put the harness on without pulling it over your dog’s head.
Wally doesn’t care either way, but I know a few dogs who aren’t crazy about having harnesses or backpacks pulled over their heads. They always put up a little fight when that’s about to happen, so the side release buckle is a terrific option for those dogs!
Once Wally sported his new harness, I couldn’t disappoint my puppy boy and have him wear the harness without hopping into the car, so we went for a quick ride around the block.
Order a sport Harness HereUse code: TMHARNESS for 20% off
Use the harness with a dog seat belt
When Wally’s in the car, I attach Mighty Paw’s chew proof automobile safety belt to the D-ring on the back of his harness for when the automobile is in motion. That keeps him safe while still allowing him to move around a little. The ride went terrific and the harness fit very nicely.
Mighty Paw’s sport Harness on walks & hikes
Wally walks very nicely on leash with the occasional exception of getting distracted by other dogs who walk our way.
For those instances, the leash attachment on the harness’s chest comes in very handy. That’s because it enables me to gently redirect him andimpedirgli di tirare verso l’altro cane.
Quando siamo fuori escursioni, uso il D-ring sul retro del cablaggio per attaccare la sua ciotola d’acqua pieghevole. La maniglia imbottita viene utile quando Wally ha bisogno di un piccolo supporto quando si alza su superfici che potrebbero essere un po ‘scivolose o ripide.
Mighty Paw’s Sport Harness nei negozi a misura di cane
Wally ha anche sfoggiato la sua nuova imbracatura nei viaggi nei negozi a misura di cane. Uno dei nostri negozi al dettaglio di animali domestici preferiti è Fort Wagg perché offre servizi di toelettatura walk-in. Il nome del negozio è una graziosa versione per cagnolini della base militare Fort Bragg che è proprio dietro l’angolo da noi.
Quando l’ho preso per tagliarsi le unghie, l’attaccamento a D-anello sul petto è venuto in mano per tenerlo in posizione mentre il toelettatore si stava presentando le unghie.
Sono stato anche in grado di mettere a frutto la maniglia imbottita sul retro dell’imbracatura. Quando volevo che rimanesse messo mentre un altro cane veniva trasportato davanti a noi, tenevo la maniglia. Un po ‘come una solida opzione di backup per il mio comando “soggiorno”.
Quel negozio era pieno di molte distrazioni dopo tutto: altre persone e cani, il suono degli essiccatori nella parte posteriore e una pletora di giocattoli (cigolanti) per cani, prelibatezze e cibo.
Ci sono dei contro?
L’imbracatura sportiva per cani di Mighty Paw è disponibile solo in due scelte di colore, verde e nero. Tuttavia, penso che entrambi i colori offrano bei contrasti ai cappotti per cani scuri e leggeri, rispettivamente. Il colore verde si presenta sicuramente bene sulla pelliccia rossa di Wally.
Quello che penso di The Mighty Paw Sport Harness 2.0
Penso che Mighty Paw abbia progettato un altro prodotto completamente funzionale. È fantastico da utilizzare in una varietà di ambienti come passeggiate, escursioni e quando acquistano negozi per cani.
Funziona bene per mantenere Wally fissato in macchina, anche se non è nemmeno specificamente orientato a tale scopo.
Adoro l’attenzione ai dettagli che si manifesta nelle cuciture riflettenti, i due anelli D metallici e la fibbia di rilascio laterale.
Mighty Paw offre il 20% di sconto sulla sua cabina sportiva 2.0 questa settimana solo per i lettori di Mutt! Usa il codice: tmharness
Ecco molte altre avventure con la potente cabina di sport per cani Paw Dog 2.0!
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Barbara Rivers scrive spesso per quel Mutt. È una blogger, l’alimentatore grezzo e un dog walker e mantiene il blog K9s davanti al caffè.